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Burial Plot for Urn


The largest burial plot for urn in Malaysia which is a place for those cremated and their remains meant for burial. Zone D sets a peaceful environment, with an individual space for the praying convenience of family members.


The Goddess of Three Western Saints- Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (God of Mercy) & Mahasthama Bodhisattva, overlooking the garden, signifies a pure land for the departed, a blessed garden for the living, and to provide enlightening and worshipping.

Tang Villa & Ming Palace (Columbarium)


With a 6-star decoration, the Brahma Palace was built with intricate and beautiful designs embrace you, giving you a surreal experience of the actual Brahma Palace. The grand ceiling, delicate sculptures, elegant murals and warm lighting further provide a truly unique ambience, soothing the living while creating a peaceful resting place for the deceased.


Every details and furnishing at the Chamber of eternal Bliss is specially and carefully designed exclusively for the visitor’s absolute comfort. Intricately designed furnishing are generously offered at numerous comfortable resting lounges that exude a solemn and quiet atmosphere for when family and friends visit during memorial occasions.


Equipped with air-conditioning and an access card system to the elevators, friend and family members are carefully facilitated for a comfortable, convenient and secured visit.

Prepectual Garden

Prepectual Garden


The artistic Christian Columbarium is a masterpiece of Christian bereavement care architectural design unlike any other in the market. It unique style exudes a distinctive Christian character, one that gets the best of both worlds: exquisite design and contemporary idea.

The quaint façade reinforces the scene, Christian identity. A whole new chapter in the masterly shapes and shades of Christian columbarium is thus unveiled.

Dry Leaf
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